Our aim is to promote and encourage badminton in the Stirling area through competitive league matches and tournaments, inter-area competitions and representative matches with other leagues within Scotland.
The league has been in existence since around 1930 and at one time consisted of 3 divisions with 10 teams of 8 players in each division. Unfortunately owing to current trends within the sport, it has reduced over recent years to one division of 5 teams. The current match format is Mixed and Level Doubles with each team consisting of 3 ladies and 3 gents playing a total of 9 rubbers. The New 'Rally Point Scoring' was introduced during the 2006/07 season with each rubber decided over best of 3 games. Over 80 players played last season, ranging from club to county and national standards.
All league matches are played on Friday evenings at Denny High School from October to March between 7:30 and 09:45pm.
The annual fee is £40.00 per team and is payable on the opening match of the season. The match fee is currently £36.00 per team per match.
To promote the development of Badminton in Scotland, all clubs are encouraged to affiliate to the Badminton Scotland.